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Detoxing Guide

Elevate your well-being by approaching it holistically.

We endorse a three-pillared healthy lifestyle method, informed by both personal success and widespread effectiveness, incorporating Self-healing, Nutritional Enhancement, and Herbal Remedies.

These solutions synergize to comprehensively address diverse health issues for optimal well-being.


Activate Your Own Cells


We promote a wearable BioTech device that gives Your Cells the capability to regenerate and your body to heal without any chemicals or additive substances.

Do you want to see what our customers say about it?

Detoxing without added substance


Our herbal essences offer natural, gentle relief from symptoms, promoting holistic wellness.

Incorporating herbal solutions alongside medical advice can complement your journey to better health.


Benefit From Herbal Remedies


Burdock Root Tincture

Arctium lappa belongs to Asteraceae (Daisy) Family. It is commonly known as greater burdock, edible burdock, lappa, beggar's buttons, thorny burr, or happy major. It is a Eurasian species and is cultivated in gardens for its root, which is used as a vegetable. This plant has become an invasive weed in many places in North America. It is a giant weed with much medicinal potential.

Edible Use: The leaves, stems, seeds, and roots are all edible. Young first-year roots and leaves are good raw in salads, but they bec

ome too fibrous as they mature and need to be cooked before eating.

The leaves and stalks are also good either raw or cooked. I prefer to remove the outer rind before cooking or eating. The sprouted seeds are also eaten.

Identification: Greater burdock is a biennial plant. It is tall, and can reach 10 feet (3meters). Its stems are branched, rough and usually sparsely hairy. It flowers from July to September. The fleshy tap-root of this plant can grow up to 3 feet (0.9 meters) deep. Greater Burdock forms a 1.5-inch-wide (3.75 cm) single flowerlike flat cluster of small purple flowers surrounded by a rosette of bracts. Leaves of greater burdock are alternate and stalked. They are triangular–broadly oval, usually cordate, and have undulating margins. They have a white-grey-cottony underside and first year growth is in rosettes.

The fruit is flattish, gently curved and is grey-brown in color. It has dark-spotted achene with short yellow hooked hairs on tip. Greater burdock is found almost everywhere, especially in areas soils that are usually rich in nitrogen. Its preferred habitat is in disturbed areas.

Harvesting: The root must be harvested before it withers at the end of the first year. The best time is after it seeds until late autumn when the roots become very fibrous. Immature flower stalks are harvested in late spring before the flowers appear. Care must be taken when harvesting the seeds. They have tiny, hooked hairs that can latch onto the mucus membranes if inhaled.

Medicinal Use: Greater Burdock is antibacterial and antifungal, helps with digestion and gas, is a diuretic, and regulates blood sugar. It is a powerful detoxifier. The dried root is most often used for medicine, but the leaves and fruit can also be used.

Detoxing and Liver Cleanser: Its root is particularly good at helping to eliminate heavy metals and other resilient toxins from the body.

It helps with conditions caused by an overload of toxins, such as sore throat and other infections, boils, rashes, and other skin problems.

Cancer Treatment: Greater burdock is known to kill cancer cells. It flushes away toxins from the body, increases blood circulation to normal cells, protects the organs, and improves the health of the whole body. It is used to treat breast cancers, colon cancer, and even the deadly pancreatic cancer with good results.

Try using greater burdock in combination with sheep sorrel and slippery elm to kill the cancer and detox the body during treatment. Remember to also eat a highly nutritious diet with a high concentration of vegetables and fruits and limited meats and fats.

Anemia: Greater burdock has a high concentration of bioavailable iron. People with iron deficiency anemia are able to increase their iron levels rapidly by taking daily supplements of greater burdock powder or eating greater burdock as a vegetable.

Skin Diseases: Greater burdock is a very soothing herb for the skin. It has mucilaginous properties that enhance its ability to cure skin diseases such as herpes, eczema, psoriasis, acne, impetigo, ringworm, boils, insect bites, burns, and bruises. Use greater burdock tea as a wash and take it internally to clear the body of the toxins that are causing the skin problems. For bruises, burns, and sores, crush the seeds and use as a poultice on the affected skin.

Diabetes: Greater burdock root helps improve digestion and lower blood sugar in diabetics. For this use the fresh root is best, but 1 to 2 grams of dried powdered root can also be taken 3 times daily.

Strengthens the Immune System and Protects the Organs: This herb strengthens the immune system and the lymphatic system, which helps rid the body of toxins and ward off diseases. It also cleans the blood. It cleand and protects the spleen and helps it remove dangerous pathogens from the body. It improves blood quality, liver health, blood circulation, and fights inflammation.

Stimulates the Kidneys, Relieves Fluid Retention: Greater burdock stimulates the kidneys, helping get rid of excess fluids in the body. This reduces swellings, increases urine output, and flushes waste and toxins from the body.

Greater Burdock Tea is a natural diuretic.

Osteoarthritis and Degenerative Joint Disease: The anti-inflammatory properties of greater burdock are powerful enough to reduce the inflammation of osteoarthritis. Patients show remarkable improvement when they consume three cups of Greater Burdock Root Tea daily.

Improvement is slow and steady, taking about two months to achieve maximum benefits.

Sore Throats and Tonsillitis: For acute tonsillitis and other sore throats, try Greater Burdock Tincture tea. It relieves pain, inflammation, coughing, and speeds healing. The greater burdock also acts as an antibacterial to kill the harmful bacteria and cure the infection.


Take Nutrients From Good Food

It's true, we are what we eat. Our food choices influence our energy levels, vitamin intake, blood sugar levels, and beyond. The connection between what we consume and our overall health is undeniable.


Make informed choices, and let your diet become the foundation for a healthier, more vibrant you.

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